Fever Help

Fevers: Why do we get fevers?

IFevers stand as the body’s innate defense against infections of all kinds. Numerous disease-causing bacteria flourish at regular body temperatures, yet their survival falters when temperatures elevate even by a few degrees. What’s intriguing is that immune cells become more active during feverish temperatures compared to normal body warmth.

Why are we told to “lower the fever” if it is actually a good thing?

Conventional advice often encourages reducing fevers, but this practice might inadvertently allow infections to regain strength, regenerate, and inflict continuous harm from within.

How do I know if a fever is dangerous or not?

The potential dangers linked to fevers are relatively minimal. Only an exceedingly tiny fraction of fevers, generally those surpassing 105 degrees, hold the capacity for prolonged harm. While hyperthermia poses risks due to heat stroke, it is rarely provoked by fever itself.

What is a febrile seizure?

Febrile seizures arise when a child’s body temperature experiences a swift elevation. Notably, it’s not the overall temperature, but rather the abrupt temperature spike within a short span that triggers these seizures. Albeit unsettling for parents, febrile seizures are not intrinsically perilous.

So how should I manage my child’s fever?

Enhancing a child’s comfort through measures like reducing clothing to a diaper or gentle immersion in a lukewarm bath aids in lowering core temperature without interfering with the fever’s infection-fighting ability. Additionally, diluted essential oils such as peppermint or lavender can create a soothing environment with a cooling sensation and calming aroma for the child.

Are there any side effects or dangers to giving my child Tylenol?
While rare, Tylenol can induce side effects like fever accompanied by chills unrelated to the original cause, unusual bleeding or bruising, dry mouth, nausea, and headache.

    “Because my baby has been receiving chiropractic care, she is  sick less frequently and recovers quickly if she is sick.”

    The Chiropractic Approach

    Chiropractic adjustments, performed on countless children weekly, exhibit potential in reducing vertebral subluxations, thereby bolstering immune function. While fever might temporarily cause discomfort during an infection, chiropractic adjustments might assist in enhancing the body’s efficiency in fighting infections by allowing the immune system to function optimally.

    Subluxations and Trauma

    The impact on the nervous system, known as vertebral subluxation, stems from neurological trauma, affecting various bodily tissues. Such subluxations can hinder the body’s ability to combat infections to its fullest potential.

    Prove it

    Chiropractic’s stance isn’t about reducing fever but enhancing immune system effectiveness to address its cause. A study conducted by Campbell et al. demonstrated that long-term chiropractic care elevated DNA repair and lowered overall destruction. The research showcased that prolonged chiropractic care led to up to 200% better immune system function.

    In conclusion

    Chiropractic interventions aim to aid the body’s natural recuperation without introducing any external agents. When assessing the balance between conventional medical approaches and chiropractic adjustments, consider the potential side effects and make your decision accordingly.

    Truly Proactive Approach

    Children’s immune systems aren’t fully mature at birth. They require exposure to external factors like pollen, dirt, bacteria, and viruses to build immunity. Fever, a natural remedy, often accompanies infections in early childhood. Embracing the understanding that a child is not in peril during fever enables a positive experience. Chiropractic adjustments don’t eliminate fever but boost immune function, paralleling the fever’s role in fighting infections.

    baby in pediatric clinic


    1. American Academy of Pediatrics: “Fever.”
    2.  National Cancer Institute: “Fever.” °
    3. Cunha, B.A. Infectious Disease Clinics of North American, December 2007.
    4.  Febrile seizures fact sheet. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/febrile_seizures/detail_febrile_seizures.htm Accessed Nov. 3, 2014.
    5. Acetaminophen (Oral route, rectal route) http://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/acetaminophen-oralroute-rectal-route/side-effects/DRG-20068480.
    6.  Surrogate Indication of DNA Repair in Serum After Long Term Chiropractic Intervention ~ A Retrospective Study, Campbell, et. al. J. Vertebral Subluxation Res. – JVSR.Com, February 18, 2005 1. Clayton J. Campbellt, Christopher Kenttt, Arthur Banne +, Amir Amirit, and Ronald W. Pero
    7. Kent C, Models of Vertebral Subluxation: A Review. J of Vertebral Subluxation Res. 1996;1(1):1-7.
    8. Lantz CA: “The subluxation complex.” In: Gatterman MI (ed): “Foundations of Chiropractic Subluxation.” Mosby, St. Louis, MO, 1995.
    9. Food Safety, Preparation, and Storage Tips. http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/health/foodsafety/az1092. html


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